Berikut ini adalah contoh percakapan (conversation) Bahasa Inggris antara dua orang yang salah satu dari mereka baru saja pindah rumah. Dan pasti kalian tau donk bagaimana rasanya kalau ada salah satu teman dekat kita yang baru pindah. Pastinya kita kepo terus tanya-tanya tentang lingkungan sekitar rumah teman kita. Yaaa kan??? Nah kira-kira seperti itulah percakapan dibawah ini. Semoga membantu. But remember! Ini cuma example, daaan kalian bisa mengembangkannya more than this! Ok? ;)
Describing Neighborhood
Lucy : “Hi, Anna!..”
Anna : “Hello, how are you?..”
Lucy : ” I’m fine, and you?..”
Anna : ”I’m fine too..”
Lucy : “By the way, did you move to street Pahlawan 4?”
Anna : “Yes, that’s true. I moved yesterday..”
Lucy : “Ohh, how about your neighborhood? Is there a school?..”
Anna : “Yes, there is an elementary school. It’s on behind my house.”
Lucy : “Ohh, is there a good book store in your neighborhood?..”
Anna : “Yes, There is a good book store...”
Lucy : “Are there any drug stores?...”
Anna : “Yes, there are drug stores there..
Lucy : “Ohh, how about a gym, is there one?”
Anna : “Sorry, I don’t know..”
Lucy : “Are there any coffee shops?....”
Anna : “Yes, there are coffee shops..”
Lucy : “How many coffee shops are there?..”
Anna : “There are a lot...”
Lucy : “Is there an internet cafe?...”
Anna : Yes, there is an internet cafe. I usually go to there every afternoon..”
Lucy : “Really? Is there a good library in your neighborhood?..”
Anna : “I’m not sure but I think there’s one..”
Lucy : “Is there a hospital?...”
Anna : “Yes, there is a hospital in my neighborhood. The place is very large and clean...”
Lucy : “Very large? Ohh, how about a movie theater, is there one?..”
Anna : “Nothing.....”
Lucy : “Is there a music store?..”
Anna : “Yes, there is one..”
Lucy : “It’s good, how about a park, is there one?....”
Anna : “Yes, there is. The place is fresh, comfortable and very beautiful..”
Lucy : “Wow! I like it!! Maybe, I can read novel or learning there...”
Anna : “That’s right....”
Lucy : “And, there are restaurants there?....”
Anna : “Yes, there are restaurants..”
Lucy : “It’s very interesting.. May I visit to your house?....”
Anna : “Sure, why not?..”
Lucy : “Yeah, I will visit to your house maybe next time....”
Anna : “I’m waiting for it...”
Lucy : “Now, I must go home.. See you next time!!!!......”
Anna : “Ok, see you too....”
That’s all percakapan tentang describing neigboorhood, I hope it’s useful and don’t forget untuk meninggalkan jejak alias komentar. :)
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