Thursday, April 20, 2017

Contoh Ideal Condition, Real Condition, Gap dan Solution dalam SKRIPSI

Contoh Ideal Condition, Real Condition, Gap dan Solution dalam SKRIPSI

Berikut ini adalah contoh tentang bagaimana sih Ideal Condition, Real Condition, Gap dan Solution dalam SKRIPSI yang mungkin banyak di cari oleh mahasiswa tingkat akhir. Yups! Berdasarkan pengalaman. Hehehe. Okay, langsung kupas tuntas saja. :)

Ideal condition : As we know English has been taught since elementary school and it has standard competency those are listening, speaking, reading and writing. To support listening, speaking, reading and writing skills need mastery of some vocabulary because vocabulary is central to English language teaching and without mastery and sufficient vocabulary students cannot understand others communication, they also will be hard to express their feelings and their own ideas in English. 

Hall (1976:) states that the goal of developing effective communication skills involves the use of skills to improve an individual listening, speaking, reading, and writing by promoting the ability to distinguish shades of meaning and to foster and interest in words. These goals can be achieved by mastering the vocabulary. Vocabulary should be incorporated into the entire language experience.

In the Ministry of Education (2006) mentioned that, the most fundamental thing in learning English is about mastery of vocabulary. In mastering receptive and productive skills students need to be supported by the mastery of English vocabulary where receptive skills include listening skill and reading skill, while productive skills cover speaking and writing skills. As the standard of competence that must be mastered by English students, so the mastery of vocabulary is important.

Real condition : Unfortunately, in reality many students still don’t master some vocabularies which are easy and should be known by them. And it was known when the writer became temporary teacher in SMA Negeri 1 Mandiri where the writer found many students who are often wrong in answering the questions especially in reading exercise that is when they find the questions about deducing the meaning, they can’t answer those questions.

For example, there are questions like these:

- “Kangaroos can hop up to 74 kilometers per hour and go over 9 meters in one hop”. What does the word “hop” mean?

- What is the synonym of the word “students” in the line 1 paragraph 1 based on the text?

- What is the antonym of the word “energetic” in the line 2 paragraph 1 based on the text?

Gap : From the explanation above, there is a gap between ideal condition and real condition where to master listening, speaking, reading and writing or the four basic skills of English must master vocabulary. As long as the writer becomes a temporary teacher in this school, the writer always teaches vocabulary through list which may results the students feel bored in learning new vocabulary. Surely if we let the problems above, pupils are hard to improve their vocabulary.

Solution : Therefore, there is needed some strategies which can be used to improve their English vocabulary. There are many ways to learn English vocabularies that English learners can choose. One simple way is improving vocabulary can be reached by playing vocabulary games. 

Based on the problem above, the writer will choose the topic of this paper that is The Use of Boogle game to improve English vocabulary.


That’s all contoh tentang Ideal Condition, Real Condition, Gap dan Solution dalam SKRIPSI. I hope it’s useful and don’t forget untuk SHARE, LIKE artikel dan juga FAN PAGE kami. Kalau ada pertanyaan chat aja langsung ke FAN PAGE kami, atau pada kotak CBOX :) atau bisa langsung komentar dibawahnya. Dukungan kalian sangat berarti bagi kelangsungan blog kami. Jangan pelitttttt yaaa!!! ;)

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