Tuesday, April 18, 2017

English Conversation - Resolution

Berikut ini adalah contoh percakapan (conversation) Bahasa Inggris tentang penggunaan “be going to”. Be going to berbeda dengan will yaa… Be going to tingkat kepastiannya 99% walaupun sama-sama membicarakan sesuatu yang akan datang (future).

Nah kira-kira seperti itulah percakapan dibawah ini. Semoga membantu. But remember! Ini cuma example, daaan kalian bisa mengembangkannya more than this! Ok? ;)


Fitri : “Hi, Silvi!!....”
Silvi : “Hi!!.. How are you?”
Fitri : “I’m fine. And you?”
Silvi : “Me too.. Nice to meet you..”
Fitri : “Nice to meet you too..”
Silvi : “What are you planning to do or thinking about doing during this year?”
Fitri : “I’m going to go swimming at Kuta beach with my family. How about you?”
Silvi : “I’m going to go to Kawah Putih with my husband.. And you? Anything else?”
Fitri : “I’m going to live in Majakerta because the distance is so far away from my house to college..”
Silvi : “Ohh.... That’s right... It’s so far away.. ”
Fitri : “You know? In this year my mother is going to buy a Laptop for me.. I’m very happy....”
Silvi : “Ohh.. It’s good! Why is your mother going to buy a laptop for you?”
Fitri : “Because I got good score in study report.
Silvi : “Ohh.. Congratulations! I’m going to buy a beautiful mini laptop, that I mentioned to you before..”
Fitri : “Do you have much money? That mini laptop? That’s expensive enough..
Silvi : “Yes, I know.. Alhamdulillah, I have enough money to buy it.. Are you going to find a job? ”
Fitri : “I don’t know but in my mind I want to get a job very soon..”
Silvi : “Yeah.... You can do it..”
Fitri : “You know, Silvi? In my mind, I want to go to another country.. But I’m confused. I don’t know what can I do there?
Silvi : “It’s very interesting.. You can do many things there... Like working or just refreshing with somebody or your family..
Fitri : “Yeah, You’re right... I have a dream and I hope my dream comes true.. May Allah bless us abundantly.... Amiiinnnn.....
Silvi : Aminnn....
Fitri : Ok, I must go home now..”
Silvi : Yes, it’s already afternoon..”
Fitri : “See you next time....”
Silvi : “See you too...”


That’s all percakapan tentang penggunaan be going to, I hope it’s useful and don’t forget untuk meninggalkan jejak seperti LIKE, SHARE dan komentar. :) Dukungan kalian sangat berarti bagi kelangsungan blog kami. Jangan pelitttttt yaaa!!! ;)

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